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Login Portal

Welcome back!

Use our website to keep on top of your lessons by syncing them with your device's calendar. If your lesson notes are recorded digitally, you'll find these here too.

Keep your profile up to date, fill in your practice log, and access the materials we have shared with you here.

New term

We hope you're having a great summer. If it hasn't already happened, your teacher should be putting next term's lessons in the calendar very soon. If you need to make any changes to your lesson time, let your teacher know ASAP. 


Join us on Tonic, the new practice app developed by violinist Ray Chen. Check out the website here:

And for more information, you can look here:

Once you've joined, add Aden (search Aden Mazur) and he'll add you to the Wee String School group!

It's free and lots of fun!

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